Dr. Miller teaches Physics for Arlington Tech and has been selected for a second year as Associate Educator Researcher with NASA. This highly competitive position gives Dr. Miller the opportunity to work with other researchers at NASA and offer Arlington Tech students the chance to participate in research projects. This year, five students opted to work with Dr Miller on research for their Senior Capstone.
Dr. Miller’s most recent research has been accepted to the American Geophysical Union Conference this December in Washington, D.C. To read some of the accepted publications, follow these links:
- Bridging Classrooms and Cultures: Collaborative Learning Strategies for Climate and Machine Learning Education
- Multivariable Analysis of Snow Structure and Dynamics: Impacts of Climate Change from the SnowEx Experiment
Read all 6 presentations listed here.https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/meetingapp.cgi/Person/1497885