
STEM Pathways

STEM pathways give students the opportunity to take academic and CTE classes in high demand STEM fields.

STEM pathways in Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Beyond core academic classes, Arlington Tech students choose STEM pathways in Career and Technical Education (CTE).  The pathways listed below provide students access to STEM skills and educational opportunities in high demand fields and represent the most popular pathways for Arlington Tech students. Through the selection of pathways, our students work with CTE and academic teachers on authentic, real-world problems, merging theoretical knowledge and practical skills for deeper understanding.  The classes offer students access to industry-recognized credentials and degrees.

These pathways are essential stepping stones for Arlington Tech students.  After completing any chosen pathway, seniors put their knowledge and skills of STEM and project-based learning into practice by designing their senior capstone.  Many students opt for internships or externships offered by our industry partners. Other students opt to design research projects or passion projects through the mentorship of our teachers and university partners.  Lastly, some students are chosen to be TAs for our pathway courses, offering mentorship to underclassmen in STEM classes.

A/V and Communications Pathways

Audio, Video & Communications Technologies pathways include TV Production, Graphic Design, and Digital Animation.

Learn more about A/V and Communications Pathways

Arlington Tech TV Production

Engineering Pathways

Engineering pathways include opportunities for students to explore civil, electric, mechanical, computer engineering and more.

Learn more about Engineering Pathways

Arlington Tech Students

Health Sciences Pathways

Health Sciences pathways include Physical Therapy, Emergency Medicine, Biomedical Tech, and Veterinary Tech.

Learn more about Health Sciences Pathways

Health Sciences Pathway

IT Pathways

Information Technology pathways include Computer Science, Web Design, and Cybersecurty.


Lear more about IT Pathways

Arlington Tech student IT Pathway